精帖  2017化妆品配方三大趋势值得一思

By 配方师

2017-03-25 21:44:14



Three top trends in cosmetics formulation to look for in 2017


翻译编辑:www.hufu.club 护肤俱乐部 

The Institute of Personal Care Science, an Australia-based organisation dedicated to the education of the personal care industry around the world, has identified the 3 top trends in cosmetics formulation for 2017.

一澳大利亚致力于个人护理教育机构the institute of personal care science ,指出2017年护肤配方的3大趋势。


#1: Customisation

定制化 个性化

Consumers want product to suit them, matching their lifestyle, their skin, their tone, their look. When it comes to developments in 2017, think about how you can customise, or provide a customisation option, for your consumer,” recommends the Institute of Personal Care Science.

用户更倾向于符合她们的产品,如生活习惯,肌肤状况,肤色,外貌气场等,对于2017年,如何思考怎么定制化或提供定个性化方案给你的消费者呢--the institute of personal care science 评论

Customisation options for cosmetic formulations include:


  • Customisable bases with optional activesA base serum, cream or crème-gel formulated to suit a target market can be complemented with concentrated ‘active’ serums to add to the base to suite specific skin needs at any given moment. For example, when their skin is feeling dry, customers can add drops of a ‘hydrating serum’ to the base. “Make sure your base addresses key concerns in general such as anti-pollution but provide active concentrates with easy dispensing units and clear instructions for true customisation and a happy consumer,” says the Institute of Personal Care Science.
  • 可额外搭配活性成分的基础配方。这种方式是开发一款基础精华、霜或者啫喱霜,然后通过搭配可供选择的浓缩活性成分精华,去针对用户当时的个性需求。比如:当她们肌肤感觉干燥,用户即可滴几滴浓缩精华到基础护肤品里。“但要确保你的基础护肤产品能够解决大体核心问题,又能让活性浓缩液充分融合,以及清晰的使用说明,做一个真正的定制化及客户体验愉悦”--the institute of personal care science.
  • Colour cosmetics should also become customisable in 2017. For instance, cosmetics makers can provide a multi-colour palette with instructional on-line videos on how to make lipstick pinks and reds ‘hotter’ or more ‘muted’. They can also create foundations (liquid and/or powder) that can be adjusted to be slightly lighter or darker depending on consumers’ skin tone depending on the season.
  • 颜色同样可定制化,比如,化妆品生产者可提供一个调色盘,线上提供video操作说明,如让唇膏粉红/红色更红或亚光些。也可以个性化粉底(液体或粉态),根据她们的肤色或季节,可以个性微调的更亮光或亚暗点。。。

  • Scents will not be left aside the customisation trend this year. For instance, scents can be modified by the consumer with small additions of concentrates to adapt a base to their daily moods.
  • 香气也不例外,可以由用户自己额外个性添加到基料中,以适应当天的心情。

  • Eventually, the Institute of Personal Care Science, an Australia-based organisation dedicated to the education of the personal care industry around the world, has identified the 3 top trends in cosmetics formulation for 2017.] forecasts an explosion of apps that will enable customers to ‘try before they buy’ in a virtual reality space, and will be tailored to help self-selection of the best actives, colour and scent.
  • 该机构指出了三大2017年配方趋势,并预测未来会有一种app,能够为用户提供“先试再购买”的虚拟体验,这种量身定制也会帮助活性成分,颜色及香气的个性选择。

#2: Sustainability 


This trend has been growing in recent years and will become a mainstay this year. So cosmetics makers need to incorporate their sustainability message into their general marketing and company philosophies.


Using sustainably sourced materials is a must moving forward; but adding to this message are other environmentally and/or community focussed messages. From greening up your carbon footprint, using materials that ‘give back’ and even making a point of your recycled packaging, make sure your marketing provides the sustainability message of your brand as a mainstay from 2017 on,” says the Institute of Personal Care Science, an Australia-based organisation dedicated to the education of the personal care industry around the world, has identified the 3 top trends in cosmetics formulation for 2017.].


#3: Sweat/Wear Proof make-up 


The use of film formers to enable make-up to withstand exercise and be selfie-ready at a moments’ notice is really taking off. This trend is especially prevalent in the major growth area of colour cosmetics: Asian trend setting women from 20 right through to 35 who also have the highest social media use and exploration of colour cosmetics. Cosmetics makers should provide them with fantastic sweat/wear proof make-up to take them from the gym through the day and into the night with interesting YouTube footage (and even an app!) to really capture their attention.


? 2017 - 护肤俱乐部 - www.hufu.club

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